My Dad

…is a Godly, wise man.  This picture is me, little bro (chase), and dad at chase’s college graduation.  In emailing my dad back and forth recently, one email said simply this: “The Lord is such a gentleman – He loves us too much to give up on us but also loves us too much to bang in the door.  He just keeps knocking.

    How consistent and loving is God?  Our brains can’t even fathom it.  He is before time.  He CREATED time. WHAT?!?  In an effort to find a home church out here we have been trying many different ones, but at each one God continues to show up.  Especially in the worship.  It melts my heart (in a good way) that worship songs I spent years listening to alone in my car, playing alone at home, singing along with all by myself-these are the songs I finally get to sing with the body of Christ!!  I feel welcomed home again, and like I am in new territory, both at the same time. 

   For me it has recently been music.  What are some of the ways God has been gently knocking on your heart recently?  If you listen, He is.